Providing outstanding opportunities through recreation for children and adults with disabilities.
The South Barrington Park District is a member of a 17 park district cooperative which forms the Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA). The NWSRA team of full-time Therapeutic Recreation professionals and trained part-time staff offer quality year-round recreation for individuals of all ages with disabilities.
NWSRA activities provide opportunities for children and adults with disabilities to have fun, make friends, be included, learn new things, go new places and celebrate their lives. After school, evening and weekend programs feature sports, games, arts and crafts, fitness, cooking, drama and more. Camps, trips and special events are planned throughout the year.
Inclusion Assistance
NWSRA provides assistance to individuals who wish to participate in their local park district programs. Indicate on the registration form if any accommodations are needed to successfully participate in the program. The Park District staff will contact NWSRA for assistance.
Learn More about NWSRA
For more information on NWSRA programs and to register online, visit www.nwsra.org. Brochures about NWSRA programs are available at the Administration Center or from NWSRA at Park Central, 3000 W. Central Road, Rolling Meadows. Contact NWSRA at 847-392-2848 (voice);
847-392-2855 (TTY); or 847-392-2870 (FAX).